Author: Paul

Blacklisting Support Group

There was stunned silence followed by audible gasps in the High Court when Matthew Nicklin QC read out documentary evidence indicating that the blacklisting firms had deliberately set out to destroy evidence of their illegal conspiracy. The unions UNITE, UCATT & GMB plus solicitors Guney, Clark & Ryan (working in association with the Blacklist Support Group) are representing 581 blacklisted union members in ‘group litigation’ against 40 of the UK’s largest construction firms, including Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd, Balfour Beatty, Carillion, Kier, Costain, Laing O’Rourke, Vinci, Skanska, Bam.


The procedural hearing yesterday was deciding on case management issues to be put in place before the full trial which is now confirmed to take place on 16th May 2016 and set to last 10 weeks. With directors of multinational firms and former undercover police officers set to give evidence, this will turn into a show trial for the construction industry.


The major issue to be decided in this week’s hearing was one of disclosure of documents to be used in the trial. The firms have repeatedly denied holding documents relating to the illegal Consulting association blacklist, despite invoices proving that directors of the companies attending quarterly meetings from 1993-2009. The told the court that to search for the relevant documentation would cost them £27million and that they had already provided a list of documents that they have found on their computers.


But Matthew Nicklin QC, representing the blacklisted workers from UCATT, told the court that the pitiful disclosure by the firms was “worse than useless” and that the firms were being deliberately obstructive. Nickiln QC then read out documentary evidence that showed that David Cochrane, director of Human Resources at Sir Robert McAlpine & chairman of The Consulting Association (TCA) when it was raided in 2009 instructed Ian Kerr (chief executive of TCA) to destroy blacklisting documents and to ring round others to tell them to do the same. The document was a hand written record made by Ian Kerr of a series of conversations he had with various industry grandees immediately after the Information Commissioners Office served its warrant. The relevant part of the note read to the High Court states that David Cochrane told Ian Kerr:


“Ring everyone – Cease trading – Close down – We don’t exist anymore – Destroy data – Stop Processing”

Later sections of the same note record conversations with other senior managers who say they have already destroyed the documents they held.

(full note attached)


Roy Bentham, blacklisted joiner from Liverpool & Blacklist Support Group said:

“The wheels of justice turn painfully slow but we now have a date for the full trial. In 12 months from today, I look forward to seeing those captains of industry being questioned about their illegal blacklist with ruined so many lives”.


Dave Smith, BSG secretary added,

“We have repeatedly called for jail sentences for these wretches who violated our human rights. If the destruction of documentary evidence is proved in court, those responsible should be prosecuted for perverting the course of justice and be sent to prison. That would be real justice”.



Other issues decided by Judge Supperstone


20 lead cases decided upon.

Application by defendants for further information regarding DWP and  HMRC records for lead cases regarding schedules of loss.

Length of trial – 10 weeks

2 further hearings scheduled. Next on the 14th July and two to be set in October including a costs hearing.

Expert evidence. Professor to give overview and detailed analysis of earnings and specifically loss of earnings of the claimants.

Defamation, data protection, libel, slander, conspiracy cases are all in the mix for which criteria that will be selected.

Blacklist Support Group


video: Blacklisting 2013 – The Workers Strike Back




LUL Pay and Night Tube

To all RMT members in LUL, Pay and night tube update

Today and earlier this week on Monday I met LUL directors, with our senior reps to discuss and negotiate on pay 2015 and night tube arrangements.

Once again no new offer was made .

As members will know LUL have so far tabled a offer of
Pay .. This is effectively a pay cut

2015 …0.75%

Night tube

£500 ( £750 for track/ signals & Train Ops) non consolidated ” ONEOFF”(in two or three parts) payment for ALL CHANGES EVER to do with the impact of, changes to numerous agreements and adverse working caused by night tube.

I have told Nick Brown LULs C.O.O that our union has spent decades building up our agreements that protect members from the adverse impact of shift working , that provide structure and rights at work …that have been worked to by hard negotiation , by old style managers making joint agreements with the RMT and the other unions, which all parties honour and stick with .These agreements made life better for our members and of course are supported by thousands of RMT members and the other unions in the Underground. It would be wrong beyond measure to throw all that away for a night tube that no ones funded properly or worked out the logistics of … and certainly not at the cost of our members work life balance / rights and agreements … Oh and they want a no strike deal too!

The talks have now been adjourned . We are available. We are not in dispute . Despite that LUL have advised us that they want to go to ACAS to assist them ? How that will help I have no idea . We have told them , as have all the unions have the offer is in both parts wholeheartedly inadequate and fails to address the critical point of sticking with agreements. And we could never agree to a no strike deal . Those points need to be addressed by LUL rather than calling in ACAS


John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport
Region 11

TubeLines Travel

Passes and Pension


We had a meeting with Tube Lines and LUL on Friday morning regarding passes and pensions following our reps meeting on the 11th May.


The first part of the meeting involved the process for our members working for Tube Lines to claim the 75% refund for season tickets. They will be able to do this from tomorrow 18th May using the forms attached to the email that the company is sending out. This is for all Tube Lines Staff including those TUPEd over in 2013 to LUL and TFL.


They will all be able to claim for existing annual season tickets even if they are 11 months old.


These attachments are being emailed to all staff and hard copies going up in signing on locations etc.


Network Rail

General Secretary Mick Cash said.


“It is rank hypocrisy for Network Rail executives to be attacking the pay and conditions of the front line workforce when they themselves are soaking up telephone number salaries and jetting round the world business class at public expense.


“RMT is proud that we have secured decent pay and conditions for our members on Network Rail and this dispute is all about protecting and advancing those gains and on the eve of crucial talks it is entirely unhelpful for NR to be rubbishing it’s own workforce in this cynical fashion.


“We are talking here about men and women who work round the clock in often appalling conditions, being sprayed with excrement from passing trains, to keep Britain moving and our railways safe. We will take no lectures from the NR Boardroom, or from the politicians about to land salary increases of 10%‎, about pay restraint. RMT’s focus is on talks at ACAS aimed at negotiating a settlement while we prepare ourselves for action from next Monday. ”


Circular Peoples Assembly Demo Against Austerity June 20th

Tuesday 12 May 2015



National Policy Circular NP/84/15/BO


To the Secretary all Branches, Regional Councils,

Council of Executive Members, Regional Offices.


Dear Colleagues,



After the last few days I am sure you all agree that it is now vital that we take to the streets on June 20 and tell the new government to End Austerity Now. With the Tories able to go it alone in government we know exactly what to expect – more privatisation, more destructive cuts, more anti trade union laws and more attacks on our communities.

Now is the time to mobilise, to spread the word and to show the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. Others look to the RMT for inspiration so it’s down to us to ensure we are out in force, in a large visible bloc and that this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in London in years.

Please do everything you can to maximise attendance.


Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary





Dear Colleague,




The union is supporting the Newcastle Unity Festival which is taking place on Saturday 23rd May 2015 at Leazes Park in central Newcastle (1-8pm).


The rationale for the festival is to promote unity in the North East community, celebrate diversity in the city and to stand against racism, Islamophobia and all forms of discrimination.  This free festival will comprise of music and entertainment which should appeal to families and diverse cultures.


All Regions and Branches are encouraged to show their support with any financial donations made out to Newcastle Unity Festival (Newcastle Unity Festival, 41 Ocean View, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear NE26 1AL).  Please contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb ( with any queries.


Yours sincerely,

Mick Cash

General Secretary

RMT Circular

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  398

Number Voting ‘Yes’             337

Number Voting ‘No’              61

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  58

Number Voting ‘Yes’             51

Number Voting ‘No’              7

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the following resolution was received from the London Transport Regional Council:-


“This region condemns London Underground for their naked attempt to divide the tube’s workforce by making different pay offers according to grade. LU’s claim that some grades are not impacted as much by night-tube has been made in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary  and represents nothing more than a cynical attempt to break the unity of RMT members across trains, stations and engineering grades.


LU’s offer remains a below inflation pay rise with derisory one-off payments in return for delivering night-tube. This is wholly unacceptable to our union.


This comes on top of fit for the future, which as it stands will leave our stations chronically understaffed and many members in unacceptable grades or locations. 


We applaud every member who took strike action over LU’s austerity cuts and we endorse the negotiating position of our union. Our strike action has won important shifts in LU’s position including a guarantee that no member would lose their substantive salary.


However, it is clear that LU’s proposals remain unacceptable in relation to both pay and austerity cuts. At the present time these include:


  • Below inflation pay offer
  • Demand for complete implementation of night tube tied to a no strike clause. This would include our acceptance of new rosters across functions accepting sharp increases in night and weekend working.
  • 900 job cuts on LU stations
  • Displacement of around 1500 station grades with many sent to unacceptable new locations.


In order to resolve these issues we will have to take significant strike action.


We are at our strongest when all grades are united. It would be preferable to take all grades action in order to fight on the key issues we face. We have to take account of the different mood of members in different functions. LU has pursued a deliberate strategy of imposing austerity on stations ahead of other areas and it is understandable that some members are not yet convinced of the need for immediate strikes.


RMT must seek to convince members that all grades action is required to ensure that night tube does not result in unacceptable rosters with more weekend and night working and to win a fair pay settlement. RMT should fight on these issues at the same time as the additional issues facing stations.


It may be necessary to take separate industrial action, either strikes or action short of strikes, on stations in response to LU’s fit for the future programme. In particular, LU’s continuing failure to restore significant numbers of jobs to our stations is a crucial issue, alongside issues relating to rosters and location.


Additionally, RMT will continue to campaign amongst passengers and the wider public against ticket office closures and job cuts on the tube.


The LTRC will produce regular propaganda in support of this fight. The GGC should convene reps meetings as necessary to ensure the involvement of reps in the development of our strategy.”


The Lead Officer and Senior Reps have attended two further meetings regarding this matter but no new offer was made and a mass meeting of members has taken place where this matter was discussed. The General Grades Committee has taken the decision to prepare an all grades ballot matrix of London Underground members as a matter of urgency. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and would be grateful if Branches could ensure that all members’ details are correct.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/70/15, 12th March 2015), this matter was raised at a Stations Functional Council meeting where a failure to agree was recorded over the Company refusing to honour its transfer procedure for station staff and I am currently seeking legal advice as to whether LUL’s action constitutes a breach of members’ contracts of employment.


A further resolution has been received from the London Transport Regional Council regarding LUL’s practice of employing CSA’s on fixed term contracts rather than moving these colleagues onto permanent CSA1 grade positions. Our Union has a history of opposing this type of contract and we should continue this tradition. The Branch calls for action including making a case for transferring members into permanent CSA1 positions and requiring a timetable for this to happen, producing literature about the issue and being prepared to take industrial action.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/100/15, 16th April 2015), a resolution regarding this matter has been received from the London Transport Regional Council, which notes the recent dismissal of Noel Roberts whilst fit and at work. This amounts to a capability/rainbow dismissal which is not a recognised nor agreed procedure with our Union and leaves all LUL members vulnerable to being sacked whilst fit and at work.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to reiterate our position to LUL that we are opposed to the capability/rainbow disciplinaries and dismissals and to seek advice over the legality of members being sent to Occupational Health, which is perceived to be part of the disciplinary and dismissal procedure.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/340/14, 19th December 2015), members will recall that the industrial action was suspended to allow for further discussions to take place and to explore a way forward that would meet our claim for Service Controller’s to be paid the SCL1 for the job.


Unfortunately, these talks failed to make satisfactory progress on the issue and this matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to organise a meeting of all affected members as soon as possible. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary





A proposal was received to transfer the Employee Relations Team from LUL to TfL to bring these members under the same employer as the rest of the HR department. Following an initial consultation meeting, the Company confirmed that this transfer will be dealt with under TUPE but, for the purposes of Collective Bargaining the TfL Framework for Consultation and Collective Bargaining will apply and affected members will be incorporated into LCG3 represented by TSSA and Unite Unions.


This matter was considered by the General Grades Committee and I have now written to the Company to advise that it is unacceptable that RMT will lose recognition rights for our members in the Employee Relations Team. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Picketing Guidelines

Dear Colleagues


  • Picketing Guidelines
  • The Right to Demonstrate Guidelines
  • Picket Armbands
  • Picket Posters
  • Leaflets and Stickers


With the up-coming Network Rail strike imminent I thought it would send Branches, Regional Offices and Regional Councils a copy of the Picketing Guidelines and The Right to Demonstrate Guidelines and these are attached. I would be obliged if these could be printed off and distributed as necessary.


The communications department are in the process of sending Branches with Network Rail members a number of picket armbands, picket posters together with leaflets and stickers that can be handed out to the public. Should you require any addition armbands, posters, etc., please contact your Regional Office.


Yours sincerely,


 Mick Cash




RMT confirms strike dates and overtime ban in Network Rail pay and jobs dispute

RMT confirms strike dates and overtime ban in Network Rail pay and jobs dispute


The largest rail union, RMT, today confirmed that members will be taking strike action and action short of a strike from Monday 25th May in the current dispute over pay and jobs at Network Rail. The impact of the action will build up over the Monday the 25th and will be in full effect by the start of the Tuesday, the 26th May.

RMT’s executive has decided;

‘That noting the failure of Network Rail to offer any further negotiations and the overwhelming support of our members for industrial action in support of our campaign for job security and improved pay, the General Secretary is to instruct our members to take the following action in what is the start of a rolling campaign of industrial action ;

* To take action short of strike by not working any overtime or additional hours or any extended shifts and by not undertaking any call-outs for 48 hours between 0001 hours on 25/05/2015 and 2359 hours on 26/05/2015

* To take 24 hours of strike action by not booking on for duty on any shift from 1700 hours on 25/05/2015 until 1659 hours on 26/05/2015″

NR members voted this week by 80% for strike action on a 60% turn out and by 92% for action short of strike action.

RMT has rejected the latest NR pay proposals as falling well short of what is required to maintain the living standards, the job security and the working conditions for nearly 16,000 staff across NR operations and maintenance.‎

The current pay package proposals which RMT has put into dispute are summarised as follows.

  • 2015 – A £500 non-consolidated lump sum payment.
  • 2016, 2017, 2018 – An RPI level of inflation increase in pay would be applied for each year.
  • The “No Compulsory Redundancy” commitment would be extended until 31st December 2016.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Our members have decisively rejected the pay package offered by Network Rail and the failure of the company to make any moves whatsoever in light of the overwhelming vote in the ballot has left us with no option but to move to a rolling programme of industrial action.

“We have a massive mandate for action which shows the anger of safety-critical staff across the rail network at attacks on their standards of living and their job security. It is appalling that NR are refusing point blank to take this dispute seriously, to understand the deep-seated grievance felt by their staff and to come forward with a renewed offer which protects pay, jobs and safety.

“We have made it clear that as far as RMT Is concerned the one off, non-consolidated, lump-sum payment this year is wholly inadequate and fails to recognise the massive pressures staff are working under to keep services running safely at a time when the company is generating profits of £1 billion. It is our members battling to keep Britain moving around the clock and they deserve a fair share from Network Rail for their incredible efforts.

“In addition, we are extremely concerned that the “No Compulsory Redundancy” commitment only applies to the first two years of the four year deal.

“RMT is in no doubt that this leaves Operations and Maintenance members extremely vulnerable, especially with the continued development of Rail Operating Centres and the on-going cuts programme at Network Rail.

“Our rail staff deserve a fair reward for the high-pressure, safety-critical work that they undertake day and night and the last thing that we need is a demoralised, burnt-out workforce living in fear for their futures and the message has come back loud and clear that that is exactly how they feel about the current offer from Network Rail.

“RMT remains available for talks and we hope that the company will appreciate the anger amongst staff at the current offer on pay and conditions from Network Rail and that they will agree to our call to come back to the table with an improved package. We expect rock solid support for this action and will be taking a new campaign to the public under the banner “OUR JOBS – YOUR SAFETY” as we build support for the fight to stop this attack on a workforce ‎whose core role is to deliver a safe railway to the British people.”





Further information



Note to editors.

Key points in the dispute;
* the non consolidated lump sum of £500 in year one does not represent a genuine pay offer which protects our ‎members standard of living. Pay uplifts should be consolidated and pensionable and should not be seen as one offs that do not impact on the long term pay baseline.


* job protection arrangements are dropped after year two of the deal. With the pressure for cuts as a result of current budget targets RMT sees the lifting of job protection as a real threat to our members security.


* at a time of massive pressure on rail services this is no time to threaten safety critical jobs and to undermine the morale of the workforce when they are working around the clock to keep Britain moving.


* NR is returning profits of £1 billion and the pay of NR executives, and the pay of the train company bosses who use the NR infrastructure, is soaring. The argument that there is no money to properly reward NR staff is wholly bogus.


* the unions have not rushed into this dispute. Negotiations have been on going for more than six months. The union side has made strenuous efforts to reach a negotiated settlement. Our members have been consulted throughout and the move to a ballot came when NR threw down the gauntlet and said that their offer was final.

Tube Lines Travel, TUPE and Pensions Meeting

A formal meeting took place today, 15th May 2015 regarding the Network Rail travel and Tupe of tube lines staff into LUL and the entry of Tube Lines staff into the TfL Pension Scheme (for those not already in it)


We was given a draft email that is going to go to the staff imminently regarding how to claim the 75% discount on Netrowrk Rail yearly season tickets. It was confirmed this will go out very soon and the expectation is that it will only take a short time (few weeks) to administer all the claims. It was also confirmed that the discount will apply to staff that currently have a yearly season ticket even if 11 months old


It was agreed that talks on the TUPE transfer of all Tube Lines staff into LUL will begin as soon as agreement on pensions is reached.

TfL Pension Scheme

Talks took place regarding the wording around the agreement to give entry of Tube Lines staff into the TfL Pension scheme and how it would be funded by technology driven changes such as the new signalling systems. The talks are very difficult and complex, however, we are getting closer and LUL have committed to sending a final draft of words for the agreement within the next two weeks. This will then be reviewed by all the reps from affected areas and placed before the union head office to agree or not.
