Author: Paul
RMT warns of LUL strike action
Increased rail service timetable
Shut the Sites
Shut The Sites blockade the London headquarters of construction giant MACE, whose CEO – Mark Reynolds – is a spokesperson for the Construction Leadership Council.
Video of the action here
The CLC have just shockingly announced that construction needs to stay open and social distancing for coronavirus can be ignored for up to 15 minutes at a time, if a job cannot be carried out by one person alone. This watering down of official guidelines for building sites will pass on infection to their family members and send hundreds to their deaths.
No construction worker wants to put their family at risk, but they also need to pay their rent, which is why the electrician, bricklayer, carpenter, engineer and union safety rep who participated in the direct action also called on the government to pay every worker, irrespective of whether they are a direct employee, self-employed or an agency worker.
Shut The Sites activist went on to blockade a nearby Laing O’Rourke’s building site, sending a clear message to the CLC, major contractors and the government – if you don’t shut down construction and keep people safe, then workers are going to do it themselves.
The protest took place of 28th April – International Workers Memorial Day The global Day of Action by unions over deaths in the workplace. The slogan for #IWMD20 is “Mourn the Dead – Fight for the Living”. So after the protest, the construction workers paid their respects to their fellow workers who had died at the bronze ‘Building Worker’ statue at Tower Hill in London. Shut The Sites spokesperson, Dan Dobson said “#ShutTheSites is taking off as a grassroots movement on construction sites across the UK, made up of workers who disagree with the Government policy of keeping sites open. At least 100 NHS/Care workers now died from Covid-19, the Government have shown that it cannot protect or provide PPE for the genuine front line key workers, so how are non essential construction workers meant to fare? All non-critical sites need to be stopped and all workers need to be paid, regardless of their employment status.”
Note: A full risk assessment was carried out prior to the action, full PPE was provided and control measures were put in place to reduce transmission of COVID-19. Link to Shut The Sites Press Release – 28/04/2020 – Shut The Sites IWMD Body Bag Protest
#ShutTheSites #PAYEveryWorker
Every year on April 28th, all around the world the trade union movement unites to mark International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD).
We remember those who have lost their lives at work, or from work-related injury and diseases. We renew our efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths, injuries and disease as a result of work.
The Covid-19 pandemic affects every worker regardless of sector or locality. Tens of thousands of workers worldwide have died. More have fallen ill and key workers continue to go to work risking their lives. Many workers are still attending work ill-equipped and without necessary safety measures in place.
We could not have a starker reminder of the important role of trade union health and safety reps in saving and protecting workers’ lives, than the current crisis we are living through.
While we may not be able to attend the memorial events which usually take place on IWMD, there are many ways trade union members can take part in our collective day of remembrance and solidarity.
At 11am on Tuesday 28th April, please take part in a minute’s silence where it is safe to do so. I have already written to employers and authorities across the UK to allow all employees under their remit to do so and the initiative is supported by the government.
It will be a moment to pay tribute to the sacrifice made of so many workers during the pandemic, to remember those who have sadly lost their lives, and to thank and fight for the rights of all those who continue to do vital work at great risk.
Help spread the word about the minute’s silence by encouraging as many friends and colleagues to take part, whether in their workplace or at home. Social media links are here:
Facebook: Twitter:
TUC information on the day can be found here:
Please make the contents of this Circular available to all members.
I will be emailing all members these details.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
RMT Survey
March 2020 Inflation Rates
Covid-19 and Membership Contributions

Thales Furlough Scheme
Dear ALL
Following further discussions with Thales, we have received the following offer
“Paul, further to the RMT concerns raised on the 9th April about the Thales position on the non-payment of shift pay allowances during the period of Furlough, I am pleased to say that Thales has reviewed this position and can for the period of this current Furlough until the 31st May 2020, agree for the collective community (Grades LR 2-7) in Job Family 07 & 10 to receive shift pay allowance, where entitled, at the full rate funded by Thales whilst they are Furloughed.
This offer is final and represents a significant commitment by Thales to our valued staff, over and above what is the Government guidelines and the previously published Thales offer during Furlough. This offer is conditional on the RMT accepting the overall Thales Furlough proposals for the current Furlough period up to the 31st May 2020.”
We are still seeking updates on the use of contract labour and the implementation of the pay back clause and will update you all as soon as we can