Branch Covid Update

July 6, 2020
Area Comments
Track and Signals Tier 2:

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices.

·         Risk Assessments are either done or in process.

·         Looking at sharing best practice around areas.

·         Looking at fire doors being automatically released in the event of a fire (trial being undertaken) so that they can be left open for Covid-19 ventilation.

·         Vehicle access and social isolation being looked at.

·         SOO waivers being investigate as to what has been changed and why no consultation.

Signals Incident

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices.

·         Work TO scheme agreement ready for sign off by he Head of Signals.

·         DSIMs back at work, need to chase up.

·         Need to get the JNP reps invited to Covid Updates ref SMD.

Track Projects

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Some work now return but funding issues remain. Staff back on Sunday and TDU doing small works. Not full rerailing yet and nearly there with risks assessments. TDS progressing on

LUL Track

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Issue with meeting invites.

R&E/ TLL & Stations

Furloughed 95% of staff for at least 3 weeks and would receive a letter when needed.

·         Told not to use company phones or iPads and make a declaration of not doing any work for TfL. Budget cut by 2/3. 6 people now off furlough but nothing changed. Back to work schedule has been created but not implemented.

·         TU’s assured that no loss of head count but there may be redistribution of staff to other areas.

·         No remedial works and no project work

Stations & Civils

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. COVID bolt on to define essential and non-essential work. Certain works now going ahead and have the support of local managers in going forward.



Portal was implemented without discussions. No training and poor instructions on NEPA. No communications with the senior management, only via bulletins. Issue was challenged and was told this was to deal with COVID however, this has been expanded now to also include exclusion areas etc. End users also need to pursue this issue. 7 ON and 7 OFF system working well as is the back up location.


Will all be given jobs and will be given the opportunity to complete the apprenticeship. Some retention issues in R&E being resolved.

TLL Signals

General discussions on a full return to work and continued safe practices. Issues with BAME risk assessments and Works TOs in incident

Tampers and ETOs

Looking to un-furloughed all staff from Monday if confirmed as back to the new Normal, 2m isolation and PPE.

8 BTR’s potential but awaiting further finance sign off. Maybe restart mid-week BTR from mid-August. Tamping budget will increase if BTR budget is reduced.

TLL Escalator Maintenance

Looking to ramp up the work soon. Expected approx. 20% most work can do. Local H&S Reps have been doing suite visits and ensuring that the worksites are safe.

Annual Leave

LUL stated that they was going to remove annual leave from furloughed staff. On-going discussions at Company Council. LUL will not move on this and it is obviously completely disappointing and likely to impact sick rates. LUL have also announced they this is also going to apply to people that are currently off for shielding. Bro  has stated what is the union policy on this matter and how was they pursuing it.

Bro proposed sending it to the Branch Executive. Meeting to be set up within 7 days.

Back Pay: LU/ TLL Company Council

LUL are refusing to pay staff that left. Bro to run a test case.

Congestion Charge

Asked LUL to pay it now that it has been reinstated and increased. LUL have stated that it will be on a case by case basis. Issue closed

Covid Risk Assessments

All areas need to complete these and have certificate displayed.

LUL BAME Risk Assessments

People need to aware that these should be carried out and that the use of central communications was not appropriate and that we need to move to a more local approach. The onus should be away from the individuals and the RMT had major concerns regarding how LUL was looking into this issue. Sis has sent out documents but their starting point risk assessment was for White Finger Vibration issue which was unacceptable.


Concerns that glasses were misting up with the face masks. LUL is looking special products that can be used.

Minimum Numbers in the Van

Concerns ref minimum numbers and the need to maintaining 2m distance. Only driver in the front and space in the back. For example 10 seater minibus means only 4 able to travel in to. All vans need to have a Covid assessment, maybe wear masks and have internal cleaning. Do need more vehicles and need more people to volunteer to drive. Action: Bro to distribute any guidelines.

Vehicle Insurance

It was reported that cover as now mentioned in the company guidance but people need to check their own insurance.

Training restart

Looking at phasing course start times, all agreed but joining instructions not updated

Thermal Monitoring of staff

Should not be to do away with other protections and at the start and not in place of PPE. If high temp then staff go home. Need to progress pay for non-permanent staff. Branch position generally in favour.

LUL BAME Risk Aseessments Meetings

Awaiting further meetings on the issue but unclear if its at company council level or the distinct meetings

LUL Disciplinaries

Bro reported that Company Council has stated that guidance was now chasing and LUL had now restarted doing fact findings. Both done over zoom. Need to be mindful of material that needed to be reviewed. Bro has done some gross misconduct cases face to face and finds it far easier to adjourn and talk to their members. Discussed at the MATs functional council and it seems that Hr and Management in some areas are looking to avoid travelling and are pushing the video conference.

Local Lock Downs

Bro raised the issue of local lock downs such as Leicester and whether there is any discussions or planning. Issue to be raised at the Company Council


Bro asked if there was any guidance on room ventilation and whether it was being raised anywhere else?

Balfour Beatty

More staff furloughed. Looking at restart and job moves. Wish to use thermal camera as above. List of questions sent to the company and new reps elected


Concerns that RA’s aren’t available

Self Employed/ Protection

Very hard times. LUL changing protection arrangement hours and very little work


Hardship Fund now over £4000.


·         Need to publicise so that people can claim. Initially looking at £200 given the level of current claims.

·         Look at ways of communication actioned.

·         Need the NEC to act faster.

Branch Exec

Produce PPE Guidelines, work in progress


Obtain RMT Face Masks


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