RMT Asbestos Questionaire

March 11, 2020

It is important to remember that not everyone who has been exposed to asbestos develops an asbestos related disease, and that the development of a serious illness as a result of exposure to asbestos is rare. However, for those who do develop a disease, the effects can be devastating.


Recording information about exposure on a database will enable RMT and its solicitors to help those who wish to make a claim in the future by speeding up the process of obtaining compensation.


If you believe you have been exposed to asbestos in your current or a former workplace anywhere in the UK and at any time in the place no matter how long ago, you should complete the Asbestos Exposure Questionnaire.


Alternatively you can have a form sent to you by calling the


Thompsons helpline on 0800 587 7516.

Post the completed form to:


RMT Questionnaire

Thompson’s Solicitors

23 Princess Street


M2 4ER


Please note that you cannot fill in this form online.


Members who registered their details on the previous RMT asbestos register can be assured that their information will be retained.


If you are not sure if you did register your details, please do so again now.


Asbestos Questionaire

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