RMT PWT Update

December 27, 2017

The RMT have been meeting with LUL to discuss many issues that affect our members carrying out protection duties for Morsons and Cleshars


Below is a report from the meeting


  1. LUL have agreed in principle to an incident process whereby the aim is to have the outcome within 48 hours.
  2. We discussed a dress code to get rid of PPE at the briefing meetings.  LUL had a concern regarding people turning up in shorts and flip flops. We agreed to write some form of dress code and aim to get this agreed for early new year.
  3. We discussed having your job moved at short notice or on the way to site.  We stated that we wanted to be paid twice which is what we believe happens to the contracting supplier. LUL said they will look into this and whether the supplier is indeed paid twice.
  4. LUL will tell Morsons to pay for PWT training.
  5. LUL were unaware of the Xmas payments specific issue and would review it with a view to discuss and potentially implement a payment within the Framework Contract.
  6. It was agreed work should be fairly distributed and would look at their processes. This included all areas including assessing.
  7. Regarding the bullying it was agreed this must stop.
  8. LUL wil continue to meeting with the local RMT Reps and the RMT to continue to ensure momentum is maintained
  9. The stores will be moved upstairs and they are looking at different options
  10. LUL want to move some PWT Staff to Beckton and that may suit some people better.

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