Reps from other Companies

Below you will reps in other RMT companies. You can also contact the Branch Secretary, Paul Jackson on 07810 643 681 or by email

Your representatives are here to help you and be your voice, but what do they do?


What do reps do?

Your representatives are here to help you and be your voice, but what do they do?


Union Reps: They represent you. They should listen to your views and make sure management hear and act on what our members want. They are here to help you if you have problems and if you get in trouble. Sometimes it will seem like the only friend you have is your union rep. So support them to support you


Health and Safety Reps: We come to work to earn money, not to go home in a body bag or hurt. Unionised work places are safer. We work together with companies and sometimes in conflict to make sure that our work places are safe. Your reps carry out inspections and investigations and regularly meet with companies to ensure it is safe at work


Union Learner Reps: We want everyone to fulfil their potential. That can be through pay and conditions but also through education. Union Learner Reps are here to help you through education. They can help you find courses and maybe get release from work and funding

Tube Lines Reps
Reps (other)
Tube Lines H&S
H&S (other)

It is easy to become a rep, just come to the branch and be elected. Every rep is elected on a yearly basis at our AGM, which is on the third Tuesday of November every year



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To read the branch standing orders,

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View the list of Branch Officers.

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Bob Crow’s History of your Branch

The LU Engineering Branch was created in July 2006 from the merger of parts of LUL Main Works Branch and LUL Signal, Electrical and Track Branches. I was the first Secretary of the latter branch when it was created on July 29th 1993.

This was the eve of my daughter Tanya’s birthday and I remember celebrating the Branch’s opening and waking up at five a.m. the next morning with a massive hangover and my wife in labour!

That Branch brought all of the signal and track grades together as one after the company plan was opposed in 1992. The Branch was and still is the largest in the union and it is a pleasure to be the first secretary. LUL Signal, Electrical and Track and as it is now LU Engineering, has always been at the forefront of the union’s policies and it is with immense pleasure that I am still a member of it today.

-Bob Crow

Click Here to View The Bob Crow Memorial Page