Blacklist Support Group Update

June 22, 2016
  1. Jo Cox R.I.P.

Blacklist Support Group send their condolences to the family and friends of Jo Cox at this appalling time.


The murder of a Labour MP by someone shouting ‘Britain First’ and with apparent links to fascist groups is not an isolated incident, it is a one of numerous assaults, murders, petrol bombings and terrorist attacks by the far-right over the past decade. A number of fascists have been sent to prison for these attacks and for possession of firearms, chemical weapons and bomb making equipment. If you cannot remember them, that is because the mainstream media barely mentions these outrages, not because they do not occur. This far-right terrorist fringe does not exist in splendid isolation, it operates within the wider context of xenophobia, racism and intolerance whipped up by politicians and the press. This is a dangerous time with the rise of the far right across all of Europe. BSG stand shoulder to shoulder with those taking a stand to fight against fascism, wherever is raises its head.


  1. BSG on tour

Glastonbury Festival – Thurs 23rd July, Speakers Forum


Marxism Festival – Thurs 30th June, Institute of Education, 7pm


National Shop Stewards Network conference – Sat 2nd July, Conway Hall, 11am


Durham Miners – Fri 8th July, Rednalls, 4pm


  1. Guilty as sin

Dave Smith was found guilty with conditional discharge – which means no fine.

During the 2 day trial in which 5 police officers gave evidence, the suffragettes, Anti-Apartheid, the Stephen Lawrence justice campaign, fights to keep hospitals open and the Blacklist Support Group were all name checked as movements that have all on occasions used civil disobedience to highlight greater human rights injustices. Unfortunately, the judge still found us guilty.

Dave said after the decision.

“Huge ‘thank you’ to my superb & principled legal team JC Townsend & Liam Dunne from Guney Clarke & Ryan, who fought the case purely on the basis of upholding the democratic right to protest (as enshrined in Article 10 & 11 of ECHR). Plus John Bryan and Guy Smallman who acted as witnesses & the video footage of the incident by Reel News. And to everyone who came down to court or sent messages of support – it is really appreciated. I am blessed to have such good friends & comrades”.


  1. Blacklisting condemned at the United Nations


5, Ongoing victimisation of union activists

Kumaran Bose – Gingsters pie makers sack Bakers union activist

Wood Street cleansers sacked for organising a union and asking for the London Living Wage – United Voices of the World


  1. Have you downloaded the BSG campaign song yet?

Blacklist Number 1 by Sean Taylor reached Number 3 in the Amazon Blues charts and Number 7 in the Folk charts on its first week.

Keep up the momentum – download the track and support the campaign.

Any homemade videos of groups of union members singing the chorus should be uploaded to the BSG FB page


Keep the Faith


Blacklist Support Group

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