Tube Lines Pay/ Night Tube and Pensions

April 9, 2016

Following LUL Tube Lines continually stating that they would offer the same pay and night tube deal to Tube Lines staff as LUL employees, the RMT was shocked to find that compulsory roster changes and refusal to peg PRP to the general pay increase were among a raft of differences in the offer that finally came from TLL.

The RMT notified the company that they would not be accepting inferior terms and conditions and that they wanted full settlement of Pay, Night Tube and Pensions as our members had waited long enough. Our members deserve the same conditions as LUL.

The RMT ballot matrix is now completed and Tube Lines will be served in the very near future with notice of our intention to ballot.


Pay Night Tube offer RMT 05 02 16


Latest Tube Lines Leaflet Tube Lines Mar16v3

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