Section 15: VOTE YES for Safety

January 16, 2016

Less than 24 hours after talks broke down with LUL regarding Section 15 Possessions, there have been two further incidents underlining the warnings that the RMT gave that the whole process has casualised safe track access to such a point that serious injury or death was becoming inevitable.

LUL’s stance that these possessions could continue and that their ‘robust’ response to previous incidents meant they did not feel the need to suspend Section 15 Possession. This reply is now shown to be a aspirational and this remains purely an example of cost cutting over safety.

We now know, as we warned at the meeting, two issues occurred last night that saw staff on the track with traction current on and in a further incident, staff on the track with a train master unaware they was there.

The reality is Section 15 is building human error into a process and then throwing in untrained staff into a cocktail that leaves safe working to luck and not process.

As a result of the two incidents, LUL have stated ‘… the initial response is for Maintenance work to be separated from possessions where CPD/AP occupy the same space forthwith. This initial response will be reviewed next Wednesday’. However, this does not detract that the whole process should have been suspended on Thursday and then both these instances would not have occurred. Nor does a temporary reprieve (for AP alone) leave time to address the entirety of the madness of Section 15 that we are facing

We stand firm that we want our members to be safe at work. Suspend Section 15 Possessions and enter detailed and safety first talks with our health and safety representatives


Section 15 Leaflet_further incidents


Incident 1

Irregula – 15/01/2016 02:15 – Hounslow West To Hatton Cross

HSE Incident Notification

Incident 51703336 has been reported and requires immediate action.

Please view the details below:

Incident Details

Incident 51703336
Incident Date & Time 15/01/2016 02:15
Incident Summary APJNP – TRACK&CIVILS – Operational Irregula – 15/01/2016 02:15 – Hounslow West To Hatton Cross

Reporter Details

Name of Person Reporting De Jager, Mr. Lourens
Contact Number 07841231015
Contact Email

Incident Accountability

Directorate Asset Performance JNP
Business Unit Track & Civils
Department Piccadilly Line Track
Contractor Involved
Responsible Senior Manager Ian, Mr. Bailey

Incident Details

Location of Incident Hounslow West To Hatton Cross
Line P
Incident Category Operational Irregularity
Weather Conditions N/A

Incident Description

A patrol man who was due to undertake a patrol through a possession booked on with the Lead SPC and was given access but was later challenged by a Train master in the possession as he was not aware of the patrol.

Immediate Action

Partol man reported incident to his line manager and IRF raised.


Incident 2

LU Incident – 51702711 – APJNP – TRANSPLANT – TBA – 15/01/2016 01:25 – Station Building – Paddington Stn

HSE Incident Notification

Incident 51702711 has been reported and requires immediate action.

Please view the details below:

Incident Details

Incident 51702711
Incident Date & Time 15/01/2016 01:25
Incident Summary APJNP – TRANSPLANT – TBA – 15/01/2016 01:25 – Station Building – Paddington Stn

Reporter Details

Name of Person Reporting Kortlang, Mr. Leslie
Contact Number 020 7918 9048
Contact Email

Incident Accountability

Directorate Asset Performance JNP
Business Unit Transplant
Department Transplant rail operations
Contractor Involved
Responsible Senior Manager Pereira, Mr. Andrew

Incident Details

Location of Incident Station Building – Paddington Stn
Line B
Incident Category TBA
Weather Conditions dry

Incident Description

After platform briefing was given by trainmaster of train 630, he informed staff that traction current had been discharged and that it was safe to commence work. The engineer’s train operator went on to the platform 2 track, to uncouple the train, when it was notice by one of the train drivers that current on indication was still showing as live in the driver’s cab.

Immediate Action

Staff cleared from the track , current re-checked with a Crid and current was found to be still on.

This message was sent on behalf of the Metro Maximo Administrator




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