What the Branch Executive and Officers are expected to do?

December 28, 2015

What the Branch Executive and Officers are expected to do


Branch Officials


All Branch Officials will carry out duties as defined within the Union Rule Book.

The Branch Secretary, Branch Chair and Treasurer may not hold two positions within the Branch.


Each officer is a member of the branch executive and will have authorisation rights for the branch website.


The following are summaries of the roles and responsibilities:


Branch Secretary will:

  1. Forward the branch agenda
  2. Circulate minutes to those that attended that specific Branch and also forward an amended version for general circulation as soon as the Branch agrees them as being true.
  3. The Branch Secretary will maintain and distribute contact details for all reps and officials within the Branch.
  4. Complete Members claims paperwork
  5. Maintain the branch book
  6. Organise and oversee the running of the branch
  7. Ensure that branch decisions are enacted
  8. Arrange training for the Rep
  9. Ensure branch expenses are paid
  10. Oversee the Branch Website and Communications
  11. Notify Unity House of changes to representation


Assistant Branch Secretary will:

  1. Assist the Branch Secretary
  2. Organise the Branch Executive dates and minutes/ agenda
  3. Attend branch meetings in the absence of the Secretary.
  4. will keep a log of all resolutions and outstanding branch issues
  5. Will audit Branch Attendance
  6. Will reports and updates where necessary.


Branch Chair will:

  1. Will conduct Branch meetings in an orderly manner and to the Rule Book
  2. Sign the branch minutes if true
  3. Sign associated paperwork for Unity House


Assistant Branch Chair will:

  1. They will stand in as Chair in their absence


Membership Secretary will:

  1. Will give an update to each and every branch meeting on the state of recruitment.
  2. They will maintain the branch membership and list of representative details.
  3. They will be assisted by the local reps and if that assistance is not forthcoming will report it to the branch.
  4. They will distribute and report on leavers and joiners on a bi-monthly basis and highlight any areas of membership concern.
  5. They will draw up a quarterly report on the equality breakdown of the branch which they will compile from the staff list and information that MUST be provided by each representative throughout the year.


Treasurer will:

  1. Oversee the finances of the Branch and also collect and maintain receipts.(along with the Branch Secretary)
  2. They will oversee audits of the Branch funds twice yearly in conjunction with the auditors.
  3. They will give a report on the finances of the Branch after each audit.
  4. They will hold the branch cheque book/ electronic payments and assist the secretary to oversee the branch finances
  5. They will authorise payments if correct and legitimate


Equality Officer will:

  1. Update the Branch on any changes to Equality Law and promote the role of equal opportunities within the Branch.
  2. They will report on the membership breakdown of the branch on a six monthly basis and come up with a plan to address any areas of under representation.
  3. They will organise one main event once per year and quarterly updates for the Branch website/ newsletter.


Health and Safety Officer will:

  1. Update the Branch on any changes to health and safety law and promote the role of health and safety within the Branch.
  2. They will report on all health and safety issues relevant to the branch come up with a plan to address any areas of concern.
  3. They will organise one main event once per year and quarterly updates for the Branch website/ newsletter.


Political Officer will:

  1. update the Branch on any political changes and promote the political nature of trade unionism within the Branch.
  2. They will organise one main event once per year and quarterly updates for the Branch website/ newsletter.


Young Person’s Officer will:

  1. Promote the role young people within the Branch and strive to get more young people active in trade union activities.
  2. They will organise one main event once per year and quarterly updates for the Branch website/ newsletter.


Vulnerable Workers Officer will:

  1. Promote the issues regarding vulnerable workers within the Branch and strive to get more people active in trade union activities.
  2. They will report on all vulnerable worker issues relevant to the branch come up with a plan to address any areas of concern.
  3. They will also look after Track Worker Contractors.
  4. They will organise one main event once per year and quarterly updates for the Branch website/ newsletter.


Auditors will assist the Treasurer to audit the branch finances on a half yearly basis.


Branch Executive


An executive of the Branch will meet an hour before the second Branch Meeting of each month.


It will consist of all officers of the Branch.


Two lay members will be elected by the Branch to also sit on the executive.


Such meetings to be arranged by the Assistant Secretary and an agenda produced based on the below


Branch Lay Members:


The branch will elect two persons to act as lay members of the branch executive with full voting rights.


Where possible the branch will elect further lay representatives in the following proportions specifically with the mandate to push and promote equality in the branch: 2 Women Members, 2 Vulnerable Worker Members, 2 BEM members, 2 Disabled Members, 2 Young Members and 2 LGBT Members.



The Branch Executive will:

  1. Review the branch on a monthly basis to address any failings and learn from any successes.
  2. Produce detailed plans/ propaganda will be formulated to attack priority areas of retention and recruitment
  3. Quarterly reports on membership will be given to the Regional Organiser
  4. The branch Vulnerable Workers, Young Members and Equality Officers will be responsible for ensuring that this remains the branch top priority to develop participation and representation for these members
  5. Training Courses on “Recruitment of all Grades” will be designed by the executive and ensure attendance by all reps within the next 12 months.
  6. Arrange for surveys to be carried out of targeted branch members such as Females to see what they want from their union and how we can encourage greater participation and recruitment
  7. Attend a regional council or regional council executive at least four times a year.
  8. Produce a Newsletter for the Branch
  9. Its role will be to oversee the day to day running of the Branch.
  10. This will include making sure that Branch decisions, recruitment plans, and resolutions and business have been undertaken correctly.
  11. It is there, in effect, to make sure that the branch and its officers are functioning properly and effectively.
  12. The executive will report back to the Branch.
  13. It will also oversee the AGM and produce the agenda and electoral lists for that meeting.
  14. Each January the Branch Executive will meet to set the targets and roles and responsibilities for the coming year for each Branch Officer. This will incorporate any targets set in the Branch recruitment plan
  15. Ensure existing reps are joined to the LRD for a year to update books. All young/ vulnerable workers/ female/ BEM reps to receive booklets
  16. Ensure Phone/ Email lists were produced for distribution and organizational purposes that are regularly updated
  17. Target areas with rep vacancies with mail shots to the members asking for volunteers

 What Branch Officials should do


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